Masters Thesis

Cultivating Awareness of Interconnectedness between Humans and Nature: Ecological Consciousness through Environmental Restoration and Mindfulness

Degraded landscapes described as those that cannot recover their "predisturbance state or .... historic developmental trajectory" by the Society for Ecological Restoration are prevalent throughout the globe due to human disturbance. A negative contributor to this degradation is the lack of connection that humans feel towards nature. which can lead to material consumption and behavioral disorders associated with what Richard Louv calls Nature Deficit Disorder. Thich Nhat Hanh is cited by many in the field of Ecopsychology. He mentions the concept of interbeing, many things and connections existing in the present moment, which is similar to the interrelatedness in ecological relationships. Elan Shapiro illustrates the positive outcomes that environmental restoration can have on humans and community in reconnecting with nature and healing. He gives the example of Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed (STRAW) started by 4th grade teacher, Laurette Rogers, and her class. The passage of the Environmental Education Initiative in 2003 is a window through which a connection to the environment leading to deeper consciousness of action can occur. I am proposing that mindfulness be infused within the current curriculum and provide examples for the beginnings of a mindfulness curriculum which address current standards. Interviews were conducted to determine what motivated professional environmental restorationists, how they related to the environment, and whether or not they felt a spiritual connection to nature. This spiritual connection could be an avenue through which mindfulness, a deeper connection and realization to the environment, could be cultivated. The responses to the interviews showed that a positive connection to nature existed for all those interviewed. I propose that, in addition, students participate in lessons and activities which directly address a personal relationship with nature and an environmental restoration day during which several activities geared towards cultivating ecological consciousness can take place.

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