Masters Thesis

Developing Computer Literacy Skills in Adult Basic Learners: "Camino Hacia la Red y Computacion".

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to explore and assess the implementation of a curriculum. entitled "Camino hacia la red y computacion" for adult basic learners wanting to improve their native language literacy through the usage of computers. Caminos was designed to be used in conjunction with the "Plaza Comunitaria" curriculum which focuses on adult basic education through an online platform. Plazas had no introductory computer module, which rendered students unable to use the program and its modules. Caminos provides students with a knowledgeable instructor and the tools necessary to access Plazas modules, components absent in Pla; which proved to be a deterrent. Method: Students participated in a three-week course that presented Caminos and had students learn to use and identify parts of a computer as well as applications, in addition to navigating internet pages. Caminos provided students with a "toolkit" to access Plazas modules while guiding them through basic computer use. Students were assessed through observation, intake/exit forms, quizzes and interviews. The design of Caminos was influenced by current and former Plazas instructors as well as students as well as contemporary practices in the education of Adult Learners with blended online learning. Conclusions and Findings: Upon completing this study. it was evident that adult learners needed curriculum support to meet their intended goals by way of a knowledgeable and present instructor to assist with troubleshooting and technical issues. In addition, any curriculum that is designed for adult learners must have the adult learner in mind during conception, as omissions can render a curriculum stagnant when not relevant or practical to use by the learner. Furthermore, adult learners are self-directed when it comes to their education. Although they do need support, they are capable of directing their learning, particularly with computer assisted education.

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